What To Do If You’re Just Starting Out As A Coach (& 6 Other Frequently Asked Questions)

Jim Hohl Business Advice, Marketing Strategies, Sales Strategies Leave a Comment

Every expert in our free community, Thriving Thought Leaders is out to make a big difference in the world…

But it can be really difficult to profitably grow an expertise-based business.

We knowwe’ve been there!

We’re honored to be able to mentor and support our Thriving Thought Leaders community in building impactful businesses they LOVE. 

Below, you can watch a recording of one of our free Q&A/Coaching calls and read about the 7 questions we answered for our thought leaders. 

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Here are the 7 questions we answered during this session

2:05: “I have a lot of people who want to sign up for my course after the deadline has passed. The problem is that they don’t end up signing up for the next session. How do I keep people interested between launches so that they sign up?”

5:45: “Any advice on how I can help people who can’t afford my services?”

12:46: “I’m literally just starting out as a coach. Can you give me some direction on the first steps I should be taking?”

20:39: “How much money does the average coach make per year?”

23:12: “How many times per week should I be posting on my business Facebook Page?”

26:14: “How much does the average coach spend on Facebook ads per month?”

33:23: “What do you suggest for reaching people for those initial enrollment conversations?”

Q&A / Coaching Transcript

Lucas Garvin: Hey everybody, we are live, ready to go. So jump in with your questions. Today is a live Q&A session. The first of something that I think we’re more or less calling the Community Coaching Call, which is just an opportunity for all of you in our Facebook Group, in our broader community at Thought Leaders Institute to come in, ask your questions about what it takes to build a thriving thought leader business. Now what is a thought leader business? Well, it might be if you offer coaching, consulting, online training, things like that. Anything from how to attract more clients to how to position yourself to improve your messaging, anything like that is welcome here. And for those of you that don’t know me, my name is Lucas Garvin, I’m one of the co-founders at Thought Leaders Institute and I am joined here by my business partner and amazing expert himself, Jim Hohl.

Jim Hohl: Hey everyone.

Lucas Garvin: Alright, so if you are here on live with us right now, just put your questions down in the chat. You can put “???” with what you would like to ask and we’ll be happy to answer your question there. And we also have some questions that people submitted offline as well. So if you’re live, you’ll get first dibs, otherwise we’ll just go with the ones that we’ve already got.

Lucas Garvin: So I’ve got a question here from offline. Let’s see here, it says…

Q: “I have a lot of people who want to sign up for my course after the deadline has passed. The problem is that they don’t end up signing up for the next session. How do I keep people interested between launches so that they sign up?” 

Got it. Okay. Well one thing that you can absolutely do is send them regular content via email. A Facebook Live like this every once in awhile on your Facebook page or in a private Facebook Group that you own and host is a great way to connect with your audience to add value and to support them. Do you have any other ideas, Jim?

Jim Hohl: I’m going to go with to not do it in that manner in the first place. I mean, one way to look at this is, well, why are you having kind of cohort based programs in the first place? What is it that you’re trying to generate in your business by doing that? What we like to recommend to our clients, especially when they’re just getting started, is to not put so much pressure on themselves to have to sell that based on a specific start and end date. Because that’s going to create a whole bunch of objections from people in the first place, okay, I can’t make it to this round, just like in your question, they can’t make it to that, to this round, and so they end up passing and then they drop off, they lose interest, they find the solution somewhere else.

Jim Hohl: Maybe they just… I don’t know, you just fade from their view, so it’s not important to them anymore or you’re not important to them anymore. So yeah, you can definitely do the content in between. And I think that’s an awesome solution if this is the approach that you stick with. But if you want to just eliminate that problem at all from people just dropping off who are interested, but the dates don’t work, just take the dates off the table. Have it be more of an evergreen program. I mean the program that we run, Business Catalyst Coaching is open, people can join it anytime and they come on, they go through the program at any time. And instead of taking them through trainings, we have coaching calls like this one, this is public and open to everyone, but inside the paid community of Business Catalyst people come on and ask questions at any level where they are in the program.

Jim Hohl: I would say… I would explore just turning the model around and not worrying about how to maintain that momentum between launches, but just stop doing launches. Just put the program out there, have it be available all the time. And there’s ways that we can talk about doing that if you have followup questions.

Lucas Garvin: Yeah, so great. Yeah. Really, really important to, as someone here in the comments mentioned, consider your desired results first. If your goal is consistent sales, well, a launch model by nature is not going to generate consistency for you, because your offer is not available year round. Having something that’s evergreen and available year round is absolutely a great way to create more consistent sales for sure. When you first do release a new product, it’s not a bad idea at all to have a launch or at the very least some sort of promotion or announcement series that you do to communicate that that new offering is available. But beyond that, like Jim was saying, consistency really comes from having offers be available and continuing to be top of mind and deliver value over time, it’s a great, great point.

Lucas Garvin: All right, we have another one here…

Q: “Any advice on how I can help people who can’t afford my services?”

 Hmm, great question. One thought on this is can they really not afford it or is that just what they’ve told you? And what I mean by this is, oftentimes when confronted with a big decision, it’s easier to make no decision or to make an excuse than to consider all of the effort, time, energy that might be required to generate the result that we know we need and want. Sometimes in the context of a sales conversation, that can mean that your prospect would rather say, “Hey, you know what? This is just too expensive for me right now. I’d rather not worry about it. I’m going to let money be the reason why I don’t take the action necessary to get the results that I want.” and that might be investing in your program, or it might be something else entirely. But sometimes money is just a really great excuse that people give themselves for why they shouldn’t take action in a direction that’s going to actually propel them to the results that they need.

Jim Hohl: And jumping on that, I would look at how you approach your buying decisions as well because if you’re attracting a lot of people who “can’t afford” your services and you know that they really would benefit from it and you have a hunch that they probably could, like Lucas was just saying that it’s not they’re not able to provide for themselves and therefore they can’t afford any stretch, right? It’s most likely that they’re not finding a way. That the money is there, but they’re not finding a way. And if that’s how you approach it, if you buy that way, if that’s how you approach sales conversations with other people who you’re on the buying end of and you’re saying no, but because you see the value, you see that you want it, but you’re just not willing to find a way to make it happen.

Jim Hohl: I mean it’s only natural that those are the people that are attracted to you, you attract kind of what you put out. I think that’s one thing to look at. And the other thing is there are ways you can help them in certain areas. It won’t be the complete and the same way, but just like we’re offering this time now to jump on this live here and offer our services. But that’s one way to sort of look at it is making yourself available. But also the other thing is I think the bigger picture is you’re helping them afford your services by having a business that’s out there and visible and it’s sustainable and long lasting. And if all you do is ever just lower your prices to the point of being able to be affordable for everyone, you’re not sustaining yourself.

Jim Hohl: In the long run, you’re not helping anyone, including yourself. I know that wasn’t necessarily in the question because we don’t have the whole context for it. I’m trying to come at it from a whole bunch of different angles. 

You need to:

A – not necessarily always buy the excuses because sometimes they’re just excuses

B – consider how you approach buying yourself. 

C – there are ways you can get out there and put the same content out without necessarily providing the full solution, but… 

D- also you need to have a viable business. If you just ratchet down your prices at every objection, you’re going to end up not serving yourself or anyone, in turn.

Lucas Garvin: Yeah.

Jim Hohl: Those are the answers that I can think of.

Lucas Garvin: And that’s all great. And when it comes to how can I… Let’s say the answer is they absolutely can’t afford it, right?

Jim Hohl: Right.

Lucas Garvin: Some reason they absolutely can’t afford it. Let’s say maybe they can’t afford anything much less just what you’re offering, a great way to-

Jim Hohl: They literally don’t have the money, you mean by can’t afford? They don’t have the money.

Lucas Garvin: Literally don’t have the money, they don’t have it and they can’t even get access to it.

Jim Hohl: Right.

Lucas Garvin: In this scenario, some people ask, “Well, should I offer a scholarship to my program?” And my stance on this is no and here’s why. Number one, you can serve people with free content, free training, free guides and resources that support them and help them get to the point of being able to hire you. And I think that it is that much more rewarding and that much more exciting and meaningful to them if they can create their own progress, then if you give it to them in the first place without them having to create any momentum for themselves. Again, you would still be supporting them with free content training resources that you have or that you’re aware of that’s out in the marketplace that you think might serve them, that you can point them to.

Lucas Garvin: But ultimately I wouldn’t offer a scholarship. Well how do you do that? Well in a lot of your free content, a great way to sort of frame how you create that content, how you identify what it is that you want to share with people is you think about what is a problem or challenge that they have that you can solve with your expertise. Start with what is the problem or challenge. What is the question that needs to be answered here? And the way that you answer it is you don’t give them the full 99 turn by turn, step by step, click by click plan to achieve what they wanted to achieve, that’s what people pay you for. but what you can do is you tell people what needs to happen, you tell people what needs to happen.

Lucas Garvin: If you’re thinking… Let’s sort of use an example here. Let’s say I walked up to somebody in a town and I didn’t know how to get to somewhere that I was trying to go, it was sort of like them saying, “Hey, just head three blocks that way.” Instead of saying, “Head three blocks straight and then two blocks left and then when you look up, it’s going to be the blue sign with this thing.” And not giving so much detail that they have the complete answer. Now it’s a little bit different because we’re talking a business context here and we’re sharing expertise versus giving directions. And maybe that’s an oversimplification, but the point is you really want to give people a direction that they can go and you want to tell them what it is that they can do, but not exactly how they’re going to do every step of it without them first investing in that level of support. All right. Awesome.

Lucas Garvin: Someone here says…

Q: “I’m literally just starting out as a coach. Can you give me some direction on the first steps I should be taking?” 

What do you think about that one, Jim?

Jim Hohl: Love that question. That’s the right time to be asking the question instead of six months or six years in. Did I do the right things now? Yeah, I mean, we have a process of called Business Catalyst that we take all of our new clients and our coaching clients through. And the first thing that we have you work on in that program is kind of like we talked about before, look at your end goal. What is your whole reason for doing this in the first place? Looking at your vision and your vision has four components.

Lucas Garvin: It’s your why-

Jim Hohl: Yes.

Lucas Garvin: Your now, your future and your legacy.

Jim Hohl: Right. So “why”, what is it that you’re up to and who are you trying to be in the world? Who are you serving? That kind of thing. “Now look at really honestly, where are you now? What kind of skills do you have and what kind of skills do you need to have to add to that? How many clients have you worked with up until now? Being really, really crystal clear on where are you starting from, because if you don’t know where you’re starting from, it’s really hard to know where you’re going to go?

Jim Hohl: Your “future,” that’s the next one. What are you looking to create? Where do you want to be in a year, in three years, in 10 years? And your “legacy is how do you want to be remembered? What do you want to be seen as in the world? What do you want to leave behind? What kind of life do you want to create for your family, for your community, for you, for the world. Looking at all of that first can really give you a great guidepost. Whatever you want to call it, a North star to help you orient everything toward that. For us, I mean, we have a really clear vision that we’ve encapsulated into a mission, which is that we want to help experts and thought leaders monetize their expertise so that 100 million people or more can be empowered to live their best life. And we look at everything through that filter.

Jim Hohl: When we think about adding a new program, when we think about an event that we want to be a part of, does it fit that? Does it serve that? And if it does, then great, if it doesn’t, then it’s so easy to say no. Having that super clear, it sounds a little frou-frou maybe to some people, oh, Starbucks gets to have that kind of mission or Microsoft can have that kind of mission, but no, you can absolutely have it. And the reason that they’re multi-billion dollar companies is because they did have it to start from. They had that as their mission and their guiding light from the beginning. They were able to see how to grow and be in the world rather than it just all being about what generates money.

Lucas Garvin: Yeah.

Jim Hohl: Honestly, that’s the easy part. Once you have everything lined up, that’s the easy part.

Lucas Garvin: What I’ve found is in my own experience and in seeing our clients grow and thrive in their own businesses, is when they get super clear on the meaning behind the money, that the money starts flowing. When they get clear on the meaning behind the money, that’s when the money really starts flowing. And it’s about having that clear vision. Again, like Jim said, it might sound frou-frou, but the tactical application here is that when you have that clarity, every step that you need to take, you might not know what it’s going to look like five years from now exactly, and the exact path to get there. But when you have that clarity on your end goal and what you’re trying to create, what you’re trying to generate in the world, it’s easier to make decisions about what’s important now. What’s important now and what’s going to help drive towards that end result as opposed to, like Jim was saying, just really sort of doing whatever seems like might be the next best thing to generate money.

What I’ve found is in my own experience and in seeing our clients grow and thrive in their own businesses, is when they get super clear on the meaning behind the money, that the money starts flowing.

Jim Hohl: Taking whatever clients come your way, doing whatever they need, being done. That’s not a business, honestly. We tried that, in the beginning of our business we can speak from experience. When we started out we’re like, okay, we need money. We didn’t have a vision, we didn’t have that clarity. We took all sorts of random things and it killed us because we didn’t have the bandwidth to take it on at a level that we felt was excellent, that we felt like we were delivering the value that people paid for because there were so many different things. And yeah, being a jack of all trades, okay, great. But in this world, specialization is really what people are paying for. That’s what they pay top dollar for you. Nobody pays their primary care doctor as much as they pay their heart surgeon. It just doesn’t work that way. And the same is true in any business, right?

Lucas Garvin: Yeah.

Jim Hohl: I mean, it’s just the market. The generalist is there for a purpose, they’re sort of maybe a gatekeeper, but you don’t want to be like a gatekeeper or a low-paid generalist. You want to be the one that people go to for a specific solution to a specific problem that they’re paying top dollar for. When you have that clarity of purpose and that vision or mission, whatever you want to call it, it doesn’t matter the words, it matters the intent. And then like I said, you align up everything around that, everything falls into place. Vision is the first step. There’s a lot of components to vision, but I would say that’s the most important piece.

Lucas Garvin: Yeah. I would just add to that once you have that clarity on your vision, really the next steps are to get the clarity that you need around who you’re helping and how you help them. Once you have that market-message alignment is what we call it. When you’ve aligned your market and your message, then you need to have an offer in place, right?

Lucas Garvin: Whatever it is that you’re selling. Likely if you’re a coach or a consultant, it’s at first going to be your private coaching or your private consulting offer. It might be a monthly retainer or it might be a set package, something like that and then you need a way to enroll people. You need to have a process for having that conversation that takes somebody from potentially stranger all the way to client and then you need a way to talk to more people. At that point it’s about getting and conducting as many enrollment conversations as you ethically and authentically can.

Jim Hohl: By enrollment conversations, just to put it in non-jargon, that’s getting sales, having conversations with people with the intent of seeing are you a good fit to work together and actually asking them to be a client if that is the case, and putting an offer out there in front of them if that’s the case. Once you have that, then you’re in business now. Until you have an offer and know what you’re selling and start selling it, you have a bunch of business cards and a website. The non-important stuff, the stuff that doesn’t really make a business, sales and clients and purpose and all of that makes it a business.

Lucas Garvin: Yeah. I think we have another question here. It says…

Q: “How much money does the average coach make per year?” 

That’s a great question. I was actually looking at it earlier and because we have something we’ve been working on and we compiled that information. Most experts on average in the United States make about $45,000 a year, which equates to about $3,750 a month. Yeah, that’s what the average coach in the United States makes in a year.

Jim Hohl: That’s top line revenue by the way.

Lucas Garvin: Yeah, that’s gross. Not necessarily take home altogether. If you factor in expenses for marketing and…

Jim Hohl: Software, maybe go to an event here and there…

Lucas Garvin: Yeah, all of those things. Travel, the take home was a lot less than that.

Jim Hohl: Taxes.

Lucas Garvin: Yeah, taxes of course. Obviously, Uncle Sam’s going to get his piece, and that’s something that we’re out to change, because at the end of the day, the business that you build will fuel the impact that you can make in this industry. And the better you’re able to build your business, the more impact you can make and the faster you can make it. We are super excited about helping more people do that because $45,000 a year is a great income for many. And to be able to make the impact that many experts we know want to make on thousands of lives, maybe tens or hundreds of thousands, maybe even millions of lives. We got to play bigger, we got to play bigger. And it’s going to take a better business structure, better systems in place, maybe even bigger ambitions for us to really raise the tide of success in this industry and thus the impact that we each have.

Jim Hohl: Looking at the other questions posted, let’s see here. Well I see some people chiming in the chat saying that we’ve given great answers. I’d love to hear some great questions while we’re live if you have any. Not that these aren’t great questions, they are, they’re just not coming from the live audience. I’d love to hear some from you guys if you have any, feel free to jump in. Otherwise we’re going to keep going to our pre-submitted questions.

Lucas Garvin: Yeah, I’ve got another one over here.

Q: “How many times per week should I be posting on my business Facebook Page?” 

I think it depends at the stage of business you’re at. Ultimately, organic reach on a Facebook Page, meaning the percentage of people that follow your Facebook Page that actually see what you post these days in 2020 is well under 2%. Well under 2% on average. This is a really a low leverage, low impact activity if your goal is generating sales. If your goal is generating sales, generating growth in your business, it’s a really low leverage, low impact activity. In fact, it’s low impact in the sense that if you can’t reach very many people, you can’t impact them. If you’re spending a lot of time to create content and inspiration and great things to share with people, only to have nobody see it, well it’s not really serving the purpose that it was intended for.

Lucas Garvin: Posting organically on your Facebook Page, the point at which this becomes more important is when you’ve amassed quite a large following, I’m talking at the very least tens of thousands and/or you are investing heavily in Facebook advertising. When you’re looking to really scale up your lead generation and attracting more prospects for your coaching or your consulting services or selling your online courses through advertising, you need to keep your Facebook page active so that Facebook sees that, hey, you’re a real business, you’re a real person and you’re actually alive and engaging with people and sharing content, and Facebook will then reward you for that by making sure that your ad costs are more effective and the ultimately your posts and your ads are seen by more people.

Lucas Garvin: But until then, I’d probably focus on higher leverage activities like getting and doing more enrollment conversations, or some people call them strategy conversations, strategy sessions, et cetera. If you’ve heard of that and you’re a coach or you’re a consultant and you’re looking to get more clients, that’s what it’s all about, not so much posting on your Facebook page.

Jim Hohl: All right, we just have a couple minutes left, if any live questions want to come in. Otherwise, let me see. Do you want to talk about… You mentioned Facebook ads, there’s a question about how much people typically spend on Facebook ads, did you want to talk about that a little bit?

Lucas Garvin: Sure. My answer may shock some of you.

Jim Hohl: Yeah, let’s frame the question first…

Q: “How much does the average coach spend on Facebook ads per month?” 

Lucas Garvin: Okay. The average coach spend on Facebook ads. Yeah. May not have the exact answer to that question there on how much the average spends on Facebook ads. I would say that the average expert that is actively spending on advertising with Facebook is spending too little. That’s what I would say. And the reason that I say this is how Facebook Ads works is it’s all algorithm based. Okay? And basically what happens is you tell Facebook, Hey, I want to send this ad and I want to put it in front of these people. Okay? And when you put it in front of these people, I want you to generate this result. This ad in front of these people for this result, they call it an objective.

Lucas Garvin: And the only way for Facebook to do that and to do it really well at the most optimal level so that you get the best results for the most efficient ad spend, if your goal is building your email list and you want to get opt-ins for your email list. In order to get the lowest cost per opt-in or cost per lead to your email list, you have to spend more than a few dollars a day, which is what most experts that I’ve come across that don’t have a professional agency or marketing coach supporting them in this area are doing, they’re like, “Hey, I’ve got my opt-in page up. I’m running ads, I’m spending $5 a day. I’m spending $10 a day because so-and-so said I could.” And the reality is, yeah, it’s possible to do that and it’s really not advisable because Facebook can’t do its job well enough. The algorithm doesn’t have enough information to optimize and get you that best, highest quality result for the least spend if you’re spending so little.

Lucas Garvin: Because the way that it works is it optimizes based on volume and you can’t drive volume of attention and clicks and conversions if you’re spending barely enough to get just a few clicks per day, much less opt-ins. I guess my answer to that question is the average coach is probably spending too little. I don’t know how much that is, but too little would be my answer. And I think probably the next question is how much should a coach spend? And I think the answer to that is, it depends on your goal.

Lucas Garvin: If your goal is building your email list, I think you could spend as little as about $20 a day or so, but I wouldn’t go any less than $20 a day. Really $20 a day is about the minimum that you can spend on any kind of digital advertising just because the algorithms won’t have enough data to do anything with otherwise. And you of course can, as some people do, go all the way up to the many thousands of dollars per month, depending on what your objectives are. Obviously, if your campaigns are generating sales at a profit, well as much as you can afford to without wrecking the return on your ad spend.

Jim Hohl: All right now we’re getting a flood of questions…

Lucas Garvin: Goodness.

Jim Hohl: … we’re over time, but we can go a few minutes and try to get these questions in. Someone commented, “I would add my experience when I was a new coach, I didn’t have a clear vision, so I tried a number of different approaches, platforms and focus areas to discover what I love doing.” That’s great. Yeah, absolutely. Try things and see what works and what fits and where you’re getting traction and I still think you can have a clear vision even as you’re experimenting. I’m glad that you got there. And I think it also could help if you have that from the start, the vision at least.

Jim Hohl: The other question here is…

Q: “What do you think about the priorities people should be focusing on in marketing given limited time, energy and resources, Facebook Ads, chatbots, Google Ads, YouTube, etc.?” 

Where to start, where to focus as a beginner, as as a new coach, I think is the question, right?

Lucas Garvin: Yeah.

Jim Hohl: Or anybody that has limited time, energy and resources and who doesn’t. Lucas, I think I know your answer already to that one.

Lucas Garvin: Well you go, you say it for me. How about that?

Jim Hohl: I mean, the answer for us is Facebook Ads. They’re the most affordable. Yeah, they’re more expensive than they were as everything is, but they’re still going to be your best bang for your buck. And the targeting is bar none the best, you can target very, very precisely to your ideal people. If you do it right. Like Lucas was explaining earlier with the right budget and the right objectives and things like that, you can do some really great testing that’s that you can’t get at the spend that you would need to spend on other channels to get the kind of data. You can do that pretty quickly on Facebook. For all those reasons, we would recommend Facebook. I’m sure there’s other reasons why.

Jim Hohl: I think chatbots are kind of like a tactic. I wouldn’t necessarily say that’s a good channel for bringing in leads. That might be a way to engage people when they do come in. Might be a way to engage people when they come in, it’s not really a proactive way of bringing in people because you can’t put chatbots in front of potential clients. Unless they come to the page, they’re not going to see the chatbot. Facebook ads would be your draw would be your first touch with them and you put them in front of your ideal clients, if they’re compelling, if they’re engaging, people will click and then you can start in interacting with them that way.

Lucas Garvin: Yeah.

Jim Hohl: Or with a chatbot if you want to, I wouldn’t do that, but it could be.

Lucas Garvin: For sure.

Jim Hohl: Anything else on that?

Lucas Garvin: I don’t think so. I think it’s a great question to ask what you should be focusing on.

Jim Hohl: Yeah.

Lucas Garvin: It’s so important that as small business owners, as entrepreneurs without billions of dollars in investment behind us we really think about where we should be focusing our time, energy and investment in growing our business. And so yeah, I agree with what you said in terms of where that should be focused out of the options that were given Jim, for sure.

Jim Hohl: Yeah. Yeah. And it’s not always the right choice to pay for advertising in the beginning, it could be. And if you have the budget or you can find it, a lot of times it’s really just finding it because once you get out there and start bringing in traffic, you’re also going to bring in clients and if you’re selling at a high ticket, the opportunity is there to recover that faster. It’s an investment more than an expense.

Lucas Garvin: Awesome.

Jim Hohl: The next question is…

Q: “What do you suggest for reaching people for those initial enrollment conversations?” 

And we can do that real quick and then we probably need to jump.

Lucas Garvin: Yeah.

Jim Hohl: We’ll be back soon though.

Lucas Garvin: Suggest for reaching people for those initial enrollment conversations. Well, definitely Facebook Ads is one option.

Jim Hohl: Yeah.

Lucas Garvin: We have an approach that we teach in Business Catalyst Coaching that we call the V2S Funnel. And essentially what that is, is it means video to strategy session. The way it works is you drive traffic from a traffic source, it could be Facebook ads or it could be something else, and they go to an opt-in page and they request access to a video training. And in that video training, you make an offer for someone to apply for an enrollment conversation or a strategy session with you where you explore if it’s a good fit to work with them, and if you can help. And then of course, inside of that conversation you have an opportunity to discuss that with them, make an offer, and hopefully they become a client. That’s one of the best, most effective ways we’re seeing that people can predictably scale today in 2020 and so that’s definitely a really great way to go about that.

Lucas Garvin: And the good thing about the V2S is it’s super dynamic too, you could have partners who would email their email list and drive people to opt-in for that and then you could potentially give them a commission if you get a new client from their promotion or you could have that be a free gift that you provide as part of a giveaway or a summit or when you go and you speak live on stages, lots of different ways that you can make use of that asset in your business for sure.

Jim Hohl: And I was going to say on that just real quick, another way you can get those enrollment conversations is speaking. There is an opportunity to get out there once you know who your target is and what you’re going to offer them, you can absolutely get up on stages and have nothing but a strategy session to offer them, and you can do really, really well with converting people into those strategy sessions from stages if it’s the right stage and you’re making the right offer. Absolutely. That’s a great way to do it.

Lucas Garvin: Awesome.

Jim Hohl: All right.

Lucas Garvin: Very awesome to see you, Mary, Art. I see… Yeah, both Mary and Art are on here. I saw Shelly earlier. So good to see you guys on here. Thanks for coming out and participating with us live. And for those of you that have been here live with us, you can go to tli.to/apply to apply to schedule a strategy session where you can have a conversation privately with myself or Jim to talk about your specific business needs and to see if we’re a fit to help you implement some strategies to grow significantly in 2020. All right. Awesome. We’ll go ahead and put that in the chat for you and look forward to speaking to you soon. All right. Thanks for all of you that have been here with us today and take care.

Jim Hohl: Bye everyone.

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About the Author

Jim Hohl

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Jim has been in marketing for over 25 years, and has worked on campaigns for startups to multinationals. He writes, speaks and trains on business development, sales and productivity.

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